An alternative approval process (AAP) enables local governments to directly engage citizens about a proposed bylaw that may include the following:

  • long-term borrowing;
  • a boundary extension;
  • the establishment of a new regional district service;
  • or other matters requiring elector approval.

The AAP allows voters to show their opposition to the proceeding of a local government proposal. The process requires that 10% or more eligible voters sign and submit official opposition forms (called Elector Response Forms) against the proposed initiative. If this threshold is met, the local government must proceed with a referendum (assent voting) before proceeding with the proposal.

If you support the proposal, no action is required.

Current AAP Projects:

Similkameen Transit System Service Establishment Bylaw No. 3082, 2024

The RDOS was approached by the Town of Princeton to assume administration and management of the Route 50 BC Transit service that operates in the Similkameen. The RDOS currently manages all regional transit services outside of the City of Penticton with the exception of the Route 50 service. Transferring this service to the Regional District will result in streamlined transit service management and equitable cost-sharing for the Electoral Areas and Municipalities serviced by Route 50.

Similkameen Transit System Service Establishment Bylaw No. 3082, 2024 is intended to develop a service that is funded equitably, based on service use and access, by the municipalities and electoral areas that are served by the transit route.

How to register your support for Bylaw No. 3082, 2024

If you support the adoption of the bylaw, no action is required.

How to register your objection to Bylaw No. 3082, 2024

If you object to the adoption of the bylaw, sign an Elector Response Form and submit it (with original signature) to the RDOS office before the deadline of Friday, May 9, 2025, at 4:30 pm.

Completed AAP Projects:

9-1-1 Emergency Service Loan Authorization (Bylaw No. 3064, 2024)

The Regional District's emergency telecommunications system requires upgrades and new infrastructure to enhance responder safety, meet operational requirements, and align with industry standards, based on the 2023 Emergency Radio Telecommunications Study by Planetworks Consulting.

Elector approval for Bylaw No. 3064, 2024 was obtained on September 13, 2024, and the Board of Directors subsequently adopted the loan authorization bylaw on October 3, 2024.

For further information about the Alternative Approval Process and voter eligibility, please view the fact sheet, bylaw, notice, and administrative reports under the 9-1-1 Emergency Service Loan Authorization AAP Documents tab on the right panel.

For further information, please contact RDOS Legislative Services at 250-492-0237.