During the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen (RDOS) Board of Directors meeting on Thursday, April 6, 2023, the Board approved the Terms of Reference and funding offer from the province concerning moving forward with an Okanagan Falls Incorporation Study. While the Electoral Area “D” Services and Boundary and Configuration Study in 2021/22 produced a solid analysis of services and potential boundaries, the data gathered did not reflect a resounding preference for incorporation in areas outlying Okanagan Falls.
As a result, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs has recommended that an amended boundary may result in a more definitive outcome from electors to proceed to an incorporation vote. In reviewing the data from the surveys and public feedback, with Okanagan Falls being common to all options considered there is support for a study area involving that community and the immediate surrounding area as the core of a potentially new municipality in the area.
The study area captures the primary growth centre of Electoral Area “D” and the community with the existing urban infrastructure (sewer and water), as well as the mix of property classes and population and development potential necessary to sustain a municipality. It includes established wineries to the south, and some farmland and newer wineries to the east (after the 2022 survey results confirmed their interest and consent).
While boundary adjustments for the remainder of Electoral Area “D” are not part of this study, it should be noted that if a study results in assent from the citizens to move forward with incorporating the study area, outlying communities that were not part of the incorporation study may apply through a boundary extension process at a later date.
RDOS staff appreciate the time and efforts contributed by volunteer committee members during the Electoral Area “D” Services and Boundary Configuration Study and look forward to working with a similar committee on the Okanagan Falls Incorporation Study. A call for committee members will be issued in the coming weeks.
In December 2020, the RDOS Board of Directors approved a request from the Okanagan Falls Community Association to support an incorporation study and sought approval for provincial funding to conduct the study. The primary purpose of the Okanagan Falls Incorporation Study is to provide the electors within the study area with the information and understanding required to make an informed decision on incorporation. To fulfill this purpose, the Okanagan Falls Incorporation Study will undertake a thorough, objective and technical examination of the incorporation option and its implications for governance and service delivery in the area.
Archive information and links
The Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen (RDOS) is undertaking an analysis in Electoral Area "D" communities on services and opinions on incorporation, as well as discussions on potential boundary configuration options in the Electoral Area. The purpose of the study is to conduct an analysis and work to develop and test potential municipal boundary configurations in Electoral Area "D".
Committee presentation to the Board (meeting of July 21, 2022)
Final Report and Appendices
Appendix I - Terms of Reference
Appendix III - Incorporation Insights Papers
Appendix IV - Overview Mailout
Appendix V - Open House Presentation
Appendix VI - Open House Handouts
Appendix VII - Open House Feedback Form
Appendix VIII - Open House Meetings Overview
Appendix IX - Boundary Options Survey
Appendix X - Boundary Options Overview
Committee conclusion and boundary recommendation
The RDOS Board of Directors is scheduled to review the boundary recommendation at its regular meeting on Thursday, July 21, 2022.
The Committee held its final meeting on Tuesday, June 21, 2022. After 19 meetings all open to the public, 14 Fact Sheet service summaries, three Incorporation Insight background papers, five Open House events, a panel discussion, and a survey mail-out to all properties in the Electoral Area and available online, public engagement for the Electoral Area “D” Boundary and Service Configuration Study is complete. The purpose of the study was to conduct an analysis to develop and test potential municipal boundary configurations.
The Committee is recommending the boundary for a future incorporation study include the communities of:
Okanagan Falls and neighbourhoods known as Sun Valley, Rolling Hills
- McLean Creek and certain properties just west of the community and east on Highway 97
- Eastside Road North and South (Heritage Hills, Lakeshore Highlands, Vintage Views, Golden Hills and Skaha Estates)
- East portion of Vaseux Lake
The Board will review the Committee’s recommendation and then vote whether to proceed with next steps in the process. If the Board supports the recommendation, the Province may choose to conduct an incorporation study before going to referendum. If the Board is not in favour, the process does not move ahead.
An interactive map is available. Enter your address to see if your property falls within or outside the recommended boundary.
Electoral Area "D" Services and Boundary Configuration Study Committee Meetings
These meetings are open to the public and include an open question and answer period at the end.
Final meeting: Tuesday, June 21, 2022, at 6:00 pm
The final meeting will continue to review the preliminary survey results and develop a recommendation to the Board of Directors on a proposed boundary for incorporation.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83357984785?pwd=y4ijKcy3htlntPX6nrr3R33tuOY-0_.1
Upcoming meeting: Wednesday, June 15, 2022, at 6:00 pm
View the Report: Boundary Overview - Technical Criteria and Options Rationale
The Boundary Options Survey is now closed.
Panel Discussion
Watch the recorded meeting held on Saturday, March 5, 2022, at 1:00 pm.
- Share your question using the Questions tool on this webpage
- Attend a committee meeting and ask the committee and consultants directly.
Open House events:
The RDOS, Electoral Area "D" Study Committee and study consultants held 5 Open House opportunities, each date focusing on a particular area or neighbourhood in Electoral Area "D".
February 16 - View the neighbourhood map. Feedback response for Skaha Estates and area
February 17 - View the neighbourhood map. Feedback response for Upper Carmi and area
February 23 - View the neighbourhood map. Feedback response for Eastside Road North (Lakeshore Highlands, Vintage Views, Heritage Hills)
February 24 - View the neighbourhood map. Feedback response for Vaseux Lake and area (Rolling Hills, Sun Valley)
February 26 - View the neighbourhood map. Feedback response for Okanagan Falls
Password for all events: RD@S
Meeting package for all events: Boundary and Configuration Study Open House Meeting Package
Committee meetings:
The Electoral Area "D" Services and Boundary Configuration Study Committee meets on the second Wednesday of every month from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. These meetings are open to the public for viewing and include an open question and answer period at the end.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84121501039?pwd=eTMzSU5oY0RnOVd6STUwdWdKSmNvQT09
About the Committee:
A group of 10 citizens from Electoral Area "D" has been formed to guide a study looking into the Service and Boundary Configuration of Electoral Area "D". The committee's role is to be an objective fact-finding body. Ensuring that the study and engagement with the community is neutral and balanced.
The committee members include:
- Vi Creasy
- David Forst
- Kurt Hiebert
- Kerrie MacLean
- Myleen Mallach
- Kay Medland
- Phyllis Radchenko
- Matt Taylor (Chair)
- Eleanor Walker
Ex-officio Community members are Electoral Area "D" Director Ron Obirek and Alternate Director Jim D'Andrea.
On July 8, 2021, the RDOS Board of Directors approved the $90,000 contract to Allan Neilson of Neilson Strategies Inc. and Sherry Hurst of Leftside Partners Inc.
Allan Neilson comes with over 25 years of experience in British Columbia's local government system advising regional district and municipal leaders on matters of governance, service provision, local government policy, finance and community engagement.
Sherry Hurst has been advising local governments on governance, planning and service delivery for more than 20 years.
On March 24, 2021, the Minister of Municipal Affairs confirmed support in the amount of $80,000 to the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen (RDOS) to undertake an analysis in Electoral Area "D" communities on services and opinions on incorporation, as well as discussions on potential boundary configuration options in the Electoral Area.
The purpose of the study is to conduct an analysis of services, with public engagement in the RDOS Electoral Area "D" communities on services and opinions on incorporation, and work to develop and test potential municipal boundary configurations in Area "D".
Electoral Area "D" Services and Boundary Configuration Study committee meetings will be conducted online via Webex pending changes to COVID-19 restrictions.
Past studies: