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Concept Plan: Kenyon Park

The park has a largely family- and activities-oriented nature which the proposed design strengthens and expands on. A wider and smoother-coursing waterfront pathway will enhance the connection to the beach and the adjacent Christie Park, facilitating a wider beach-area feel across the waterfront.

 The lawn and shade trees interface along the beach are expanded with the proposed move of the playground area a bit farther south into the park and away from the waterfront. This increases the available space for seating and lounging along the beach front and for having views of the waterfront. Additional picnic pads with BBQ or fire pits are provided as well in this expanded beach frontage area.

 The new playground location south of the spray park creates a more focused kids activity area and an opportunity to provide a contemporary play area with upgraded safety measures which can easily be used by the non-beach going public and a potential adjacent future daycare center. 

 South of the park, open lawn areas are kept for spontaneous uses and organized events such as farmers markets, fairs, and yearly sports races.

Feel free to go to for downloading or a closer look to the concept plan.