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Concept Plan: Heritage Hills / Garnett Family Park

The park was recently installed through the combined efforts of the Community Association and the RDOS and is largely complete. Original plans for the north entrance of the park along Vintage Boulevard are part of the final vision for the park. Through feedback from the community and interested and affected parties, some additional features and amenities are proposed to optimize the user experience of the park.


The park offers spectacular views westward towards Skaha Lake which can be enjoyed from additional proposed picnic platforms shaded by proposed trees along the upper western slope of the park. Strategically located trees to shade the current playground are proposed to provide relief from the intense summer sun. Some additional pockets of native planting are proposed to flank the elongated grass field to provide more shade, decrease the amount of turf, as well as increase the ecological value of the park.


Additional signage and a community bulletin board are also proposed to better serve the directly adjacent community as well as park users from more distant Area D communities.

Feel free to go to for downloading or a closer look to the concept plan.