The Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen (RDOS) is reviewing and updating the Electoral Area "E" Official Community Plan (OCP).

The OCP guides how the community grows and changes over the next 20-25 years.

OCP Updates:

January 12, 2024 Update:

Please be advised that the public hearing was closed as of 7:48 pm on January 11, 2024; as such, no submissions submitted after this time will be received by the Regional District Board.

January 5, 2024 Update:

Please be advised that the first part of the public hearing, as well as the preceding question and answer session, regarding the Electoral Area E Official Community Plan Bylaw Review on January 7 will now be held in the Naramata Centre Chapel, which is located at the eastern end of Gwendoline Avenue, north of Manitou Park. The question and answer period will be from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm, immediately prior to the start of the public hearing.

The second and third parts of the public hearing on January 9 and 11 will continue to be held as was previously notified.

Please see the updated information on the public hearing below.

November 16, 2023 - Board of Directors Meeting

At the November 16, 2023 Board of Directors Meeting, the Regional District Board of Directors resolved to approve first and second reading of Bylaw No. 3010, 2023, and delegated the holding of a public hearing to Electoral Area "E" Director Fedrigo. The public hearing will be held in three parts, with a question & answer period being held immediately prior to the commencement of the public hearing on January 7, 2024. See below for more information.

*UPDATED VENUE* January 7, 2024 Question & Answer Period:

Time: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Location: Naramata Centre Chapel, located at the eastern end of Gwendoline Avenue, north of Manitou Park

*UPDATED VENUE* January 7, 2024 Public Hearing:

Time: 5:00 pm

Location: Naramata Centre Chapel, located at the eastern end of Gwendoline Avenue, north of Manitou Park

January 9, 2024 Public Hearing:

Time: 10:30 am

Location: Naramata Friendship Club, 330 Ritchie Ave, Naramata (adjacent to the Naramata Library at the corner of 3rd St and Ritchie Ave)

January 11, 2024 Public Hearing:

Time: 7:00 pm

Location: or 1-833-311-4101

  • Meeting Number: 2774 078 9191
  • Password: RD@S (7317 by phone)

September 7, 2023 - Board of Directors Meeting

At the September 7, 2023 Board of Directors Meeting Bylaw No. 3010, 2023, a bylaw to adopt the Electoral Area “E” Official Community Plan and to repeal Bylaw 2458, 2008, was sent to the Electoral Area "E" Advisory Planning Commission

September 7, 2023 - Planning and Development Committee meeting

The RDOS launched a survey to gather community feedback on the draft Electoral Area "E" Official Community Plan. The survey was open between July 10 and August 8, 2023

The final community engagement survey results were presented at the P&D Committee meeting on September 7, 2023.

Here is a link to the Planning & Development Committee Report: P&D Committee Report 2023-09-07

Here is a link to the Final Survey Responses Report: Community Engagement Survey - Final Round

June 30, 2023 - CAG Powerpoint

The PowerPoint shown at the June 29, 2023, Community Advisory Group meeting is now available at the right-hand side bar or below.

PowerPoint June 29, 2023

June 1, 2023 - RDOS Planning & Development Committee meeting

The draft OCP Bylaw was presented at the P&D Committee meeting on June 1, 2023. The staff report outlines the significant changes proposed for the new OCP and is also asking for Board direction on a number of unresolved issues.

Here is a link to the Planning & Development Committee Report: P&D Committee Report 2023-06-01

Please see the sidebar of this web page to go to the draft OCP Bylaw and draft schedules.

Here is the text of the draft OCP Bylaw 3010, 2023: Text - Schedule A of Bylaw 3010

May 30, 2023 - Comparison Tables

There are comparison tables now available showing the current OCP Bylaw and the proposed OCP Bylaw. These can be viewed at the sidebar of this web page. Note that the tables section shows the current OCP Bylaw chapter headings first, followed by the new chapter headings. For the most part, these are the same but there are a few exceptions. Comparison Tables

December 6, 2022 - now available: Infrastructure Review 2022

The intent of the infrastructure review report is to support the Electoral Area "E" OCP review process. This document was compiled as a desktop review and scan of currently available information.

September 22, 2022 - now available: The Electoral Area "E" Land Use Analysis.

The intent of this analysis report is to support the Electoral Area "E" OCP review process. This document provides a snapshot of current land use and future land use demand and outlines some growth considerations, including growth capacity for the Naramata village and surrounding areas.

Meeting Recordings

Survey Results- Initial Community Engagement


What is an Official Community Plan?

An official community plan (OCP) provides guidance and policies on a broad range of topics including land use, transportation, housing, parks, and infrastructure. OCPs also designate land for specific purposes like commercial office, retail, residential, park, and industrial uses.

Collectively, the policies and land use map are used by the Regional Board, Regional District staff, other agencies, and the community to guide decisions about future investment in your community.

OCPs are developed through public consultation and professional planning practices. Once drafted, an OCP must be adopted by the Regional District Board as an official bylaw.


The existing OCP was first adopted in 2006 and readopted in 2008. The last OCP review started this time 17 years ago.

Electoral Area "E" consists of Naramata Village and the surrounding rural area along the benches. Most of Area "E" beyond the Kettle Valley Rail (KVR) is Crown Land and Parks.

Electoral Area "E"

OCP Project Timeline

Work on the Area "E" OCP began in the fall of 2021 and will continue throughout 2023. The final OCP Bylaw is expected to be complete by the end of 2023.

The OCP will take place in four phases. We are currently in the final Phase 4, with formal referrals and a last round of community engagement regarding the first draft OCP Bylaw.

Thank you to all of you who have provided your time and comments on the OCP review process to date.

Input from everyone within Electoral Area "E" remains important.


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