RDOS Video | Your New Curbside Collection Carts
RDOS will be visiting existing carts to conduct evaluations in March and April 2025.
RDOS will be evaluating existing carts so they may be included in the new curbside collection program that begins July 1, 2025 in the RDOS and Village of Keremeos. To find your evaluation date, see the letter that will be mailed or emailed to you. If you have not received this letter by April 21st, please contact the Solid Waste Hotline. Any carts that are not approved will not be collected from after July 1, 2025. Residents had since November to request evaluation of their carts and RDOS will not be accepting new requests.
- Please have all of your curbside carts at the curb on your evaluation day by 7:00 am, including garbage, recycle, and yard waste.
- Keep the carts at the curb until 6:00 pm.
- If you do not have your carts at the curb at the time of evaluation, they may not be evaluated.
- You do not need to be present during the evaluation.
Submitted your own carts for evaluation?
If you have requested evaluation of your cart(s), you will be receiving an email requiring your consent to proceed with RDOS evaluating and, if approved, taking ownership of your cart(s). Please confirm your consent by replying "Yes" to that email. If you do not provide consent before your evaluation day, your carts may not be evaluated.
Renting carts from Waste Connections?
If you are currently renting curbside carts from Waste Connections of Canada, your carts will automatically be evaluated to be included with curbside collection. You will receive a letter with your evaluation dates. Any wildlife-resistant carts that are not the clip-lock style will not be approved.
Evaluation Results
After your cart(s) have been evaluated, a white sticker will be placed on your cart. Please see the white evaluation sticker attached to your cart for the result of the evaluation. The white sticker may be on the inside of the lid. Remove this sticker and keep it, or take a photo of it for your records.
If your cart(s) are approved:
- Continue using the carts as normal.
- The cart is now the property of the RDOS.
- The carts will have two RDOS and one serial number sticker applied. This serial number is tied to your property address, you must leave the carts at your property if you move.
- Record this serial number to avoid mix-ups.
- If you have indicated that your cart will be used for a waste material
other than what you currently use it for, waste sticker labels will be provided
to identify the new waste material.
- For example, if you currently use a 240 litre cart for garbage but will be using it for yard waste after July 1, 2025, you will be provided ‘yard waste only’ sticker labels.
- After your new cart(s) have been delivered, adhere the waste label provided on the lid of the approved cart for July 1, 2025. Failure to adhere the waste label sticker may cause collection to not occur, as the waste collector will not know what is inside.
- Sticker labels can also be requested for free by contacting the Solid Waste Hotline or visiting the RDOS office at 101 Martin St, Penticton.
- You will receive a one-time rebate of $35 toward the cost of collection for each cart that is approved. The one-time rebates will likely be applied in the fourth quarter billing.
- If your approved garbage or yard waste carts are larger than the standard size RDOS supplied cart, additional costs will apply beginning July 1, 2025.
- For further information about standard size carts or additional fees, see below.
- If you change your mind and do not wish to have the additional costs applied, please contact the Solid Waste Hotline with your cart change-out request to downsize your carts. A $45 change-out fee may apply.
- The cart will be replaced or repaired by the RDOS if it is accidentally damaged or reaches the end of its serviceable life.
- If your cart ever needs replacement and is not a size or type provided by the RDOS, it will be replaced by an RDOS supplied cart that is most similar.
If your cart(s) are not approved:
- The cart will not have RDOS or serial number stickers applied.
- In June, you will be delivered standard size RDOS supplied cart(s).
- If you wish to change the size of cart you will be delivered, contact the Solid Waste Hotline to complete a cart change-out request. A $45 change-out fee may apply.
- You are free to do whatever you wish with your cart, except include it with regular curbside collection beginning July 1, 2025.
Cart Change-out Requests
Any cart change-out requests made after April 1, 2025, may not receive the carts requested in the initial delivery. These requests will be accommodated after July 1, 2025, providing carts of the requested size and type are still available. A $45 change-out fee may apply.
All curbside collection households will receive the standard-size carts unless a Cart Change-out request is made.
For further information, contact the Solid Waste Hotline at solidwaste@rdos.bc.ca or 250-490-4129 and leave a message.
Standard-size carts | |
Garbage | 120 Litre |
Recycle | 240 Litre |
Yard Waste | 240 Litre |
Option | Additional monthly cost |
Upsize garbage cart to 240 litres | $5 |
Upsize recycle cart to 360 litres | No cost |
Additional 240 litre yard waste cart | $5 |
Downsize yard waste cart or no yard waste cart | No change in cost |
Upgrade garbage cart to 120 litre wildlife-resistant | $4 |
Frequently asked questions
- I already own a 240 litre garbage cart and want to keep using it but do not want to pay the additional $5/month.
- Can I opt out of using the new carts or curbside collection altogether?
- Do I have to fill out the cart change-out form?
- What if I don’t change the size of my carts now, then realize I need different sizes when I start using them?
- When will the new cart system start?
- Will my collection frequency change when the cart program starts?
- I have a long or steep driveway, am I supposed to move the carts every week?
- I don’t generate a lot of waste, is there an option for me?
- My household produces a lot of yard waste, am I restricted to the size of the cart?
- What if my mobile home park or strata has concerns about cart collection?
- I am concerned I won’t be able to maneuver the carts. Is there help for me?
- What about food scraps? Will the RDOS start collecting them at the curb?
- I already own a cart, can I continue to use it instead of receiving a new cart?