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Survey: Okanagan-Similkameen Extreme Heat Response Planning

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this important survey. The estimated time of completion is 10-15 minutes.

This survey is a crucial step toward building safer, more resilient communities that can withstand the impacts of extreme heat. By sharing your experiences and suggestions, you are contributing to a collective effort to protect the well-being of all residents, now and in the future. 

Let's work together to make our community a cooler, safer place for everyone.

Thank you for your participation.

Protecting your personal information is an obligation the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen takes seriously. Our practices have been designed to ensure compliance with the privacy provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (British Columbia) ("FIPPA"). Any personal or proprietary information you provide to us through this website or other RDOS-managed public engagement websites (, the purpose of which is to provide feedback or other pertinent information to the RDOS, is collected, used and disclosed in accordance with FIPPA.

Questions about the collection, use or disclosure of this personal information can be directed to:

Senior Manager of Legislative Services
Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen
101 Martin Street
Penticton, BC
Phone: 250-492-0237


Please select from the following all that apply to you. I am ________ .

Maximum 255 characters



Please select the location of your residence and/or business.


How were you and your household negatively impacted during the 2021 Heat Dome? During the 2021 Heat Dome event, many people experienced challenges that affected their health, daily activities, and comfort. Please describe your experiences or observations related to physical or mental health, critical community services, such as healthcare or municipal services, the natural environment and/or built systems and infrastructure. Check all that apply.


 Did your home provide you with adequate protection from the heat?


What factors in your life have negatively influenced your experience during extreme heat waves? Consider any personal, environmental, or socioeconomic factors that might have affected how you and your household coped with extreme heat. For example, living alone might have made it difficult to seek help or resources, or not having reliable access to transportation could have limited your ability to find cooler places. (Select all that apply)


What measures have you or your household taken and/or what services have you used to protect yourself from extreme heat waves? (e.g. 2021 heat dome). In response to extreme heat, people often take various measures to stay cool and safe. If you've used any services or found strategies that helped, please share them here, including the names of any organizations or services that were particularly useful. (Select all that apply) 

* required

Maximum 50 characters



To what degree do you feel you have faced barriers to accessing extreme heat resilience measures including at home protection and emergency response services?


What additional services, information or support would you use to protect yourself or your household from extreme heat? Think about the types of assistance that would make the biggest difference in helping you stay cool and healthy during a heat wave. This could be anything from more public cooling centres, educational resources on how to cool your home efficiently, or community programs that check on at-risk individuals during hot weather. Please share any ideas or needs that you think would help you and your community during extreme heat events. (Select all that apply)

E.g. are there aspects of your life/property that are most vulnerable, are you concerned about linkages between heat waves, drought, wildfire and flooding, Etc.?

Do you self-identify as Indigenous?

Maximum 255 characters



How would you prefer to receive information about extreme heat preparedness and response initiatives?