
Media release: Next steps depending on outcome of community vote

22 October 2023

20 Oct 2023

On November 4, 2023, eligible voters in Summerland (including residents and non-resident property owners) will take part in a referendum for the Summerland Recreation Centre – a new multi-purpose indoor recreation facility. If approved, it will replace the Summerland Aquatic & Fitness Centre, which is at the end of its useable life.

The proposed new facility includes an aquatic centre (that features a lap pool, leisure pool, hot tub, sauna or steam room); fitness centre; fitness/activity multi-purpose room; family/youth multi-purpose room; universal access and family change rooms; and modern energy efficiency building standards (minimum LEED Silver).

To help voters make a well-informed decision, the District of Summerland is offering detailed information about the project and the referendum process through a series of weekly media releases with frequently asked questions, leading up to General Voting Day on November 4.

What is the referendum question that will be asked on the ballot?

Eligible Summerland voters will be asked to make an appropriate mark next to either the word “yes” or “no” on the ballot to the following question: “Do you support the Corporation of the District of Summerland borrowing up to $50 million with interest, over a period not exceeding 30 years in order to finance the construction of a new recreation centre to be located at 8820 Jubilee Road E., by way of Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 2023-016?”

What will happen if electors vote in favour of the referendum question?

If electors vote in favour of the referendum question, detailed design is expected to begin immediately for a new multi-purpose recreation centre, to include a new aquatic centre, fitness centre, universal change rooms, and two multi-purpose rooms. Construction is expected to begin in 2025, and is anticipated to be complete in 2026. The proposed facility will be built adjacent to the Summerland Arena & Curling Club.

The District will need to continue conversations with School District 67 about what to do with the current Aquatic & Fitness Centre and the property on which it sits. The property is owned by the School District.

What will happen if electors vote against the referendum question?

If electors vote against the referendum question, issues from aging infrastructure will be addressed as best as reasonably possible when they arise.

In the meantime, the Summerland Aquatic & Fitness Centre will remain in its current size and configuration. The same type and number of aquatic programs that are offered today will continue so long as the facility is operational, as there is no ability to expand program capacity. Basic operational repairs and maintenance would continue.

Council would need to consider its options for major capital investments and any associated tax increases to fund those investments, but without major capital investment Summerland could eventually be left without an aquatic and recreation facility, ending school programs, swim lessons, competitive teams, rehabilitation, and aquatic fitness programs for residents of all ages.

For more information on the proposed Summerland Recreation Centre project, updated Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document, and the upcoming referendum, please visit

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