Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2975, 2022
The Regional District Board of Directors adopted the Electoral Area "G" OCP Bylaw No. 2975 at its meeting of December 15, 2022 (please see links below under "RDOS Board Consideration"). The text and map schedules considered by the Board can now be accessed under the Regional Bylaws page (see "Planning" section).
Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2975, 2022
Past Events
The Regional Board gave Bylaw No. 2975 1st and 2nd reading on August 4, 2022. The staff report can be found on the on the RDOS webpage as item B.5 on the August 4 Board agenda here. Review the bylaw that received 1st and 2nd readings through the following links:
- Schedule A (OCP Document)
- Schedule B (Land Use Map)
- Schedule C (Parks Trails and Recreation)
- Schedule D (Hazard - Flood)
- Schedule E (Hazard - Slope)
- Schedule F (Hazard - Wildfire)
- Schedule G (Roads and Trails Network Plan)
- Schedule H (Sensitive Ecosystem Map)
Electoral Area “G” OCP Bylaw No. 2975 Public Hearing
Date: Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Time: 7:00 p.m. (Q/A period regarding the OCP from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.)
Location: 702 - 4th Street, Keremeos
You can present written information to the Regional District prior to or at the public hearing regarding the Electoral Area “G” OCP and may also speak at the public hearing. No letter, report or representation from the public will be received after the conclusion of the public hearing.
You are encouraged to ask any questions you may have during the one-hour Q/A period as the public hearing is an opportunity to only provide comments regarding the contents of the OCP bylaw and not to ask questions.
- Electoral Area “G” OCP Bylaw No. 2975 Public Hearing
Date: Tuesday, August 23, 2022
Time: 2:00 p.m. (Q/A period regarding the OCP from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.)
Location: 702-4th Street, Keremeos
Time: 6:00 p.m. (Q/A period regarding the OCP from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.)
Location: 956 Scott Avenue, Hedley
Draft OCP now available for residents' input
The draft of the first Official Community Plan for Electoral Area "G" is now complete and the RDOS would like your input. All comments and feedback are requested to be received by Friday, July 22, 2022.
Please review a copy of the draft through the links below:
- OCP Document
- Schedule B (Land Use Map)
- Schedule C (Parks Trails and Recreation)
- Schedule D (Hazard - Flood)
- Schedule E (Hazard - Slope)
- Schedule F (Hazard - Wildfire)
- Schedule G (Roads and Trails Network Plan)
- Schedule H (Sensitive Ecosystem Map)
- Open House Events
The project team and the Area Director held open house events to hear your feedback and answer your questions. Open House events were held on the following dates:
Wednesday, July 6, 2022 (4:00 pm to 7:00 pm)
Similkameen Recreation Centre, 311, 9th Street, Keremeos
Thursday, July 7, 2022 (4:00 pm to 7:00 pm)
Hedley Hall, 956 Scott Avenue, Hedley
- Recreation Month Open House
Saturday, June 11, 2022 (10:00 am to 2:00 pm)
Similkameen Recreation Centre, 311-9th Street, Keremeos
In addition to showcasing recreation programs, services, and facilities, the open house events will feature information about other RDOS initiatives, including FireSmart, emergency services, water conservation, and the Electoral Area "G" Official Community Plan (OCP) process.
- Citizen's Committee Meeting #9
Monday, June 20, 2022 (7:00 pm to 9:00 pm)
Similkameen Recreation Centre, 311-9th Street, Keremeos - Focus Groups were held in March and April featured subject matter experts discussing the following topics:
- Natural Hazards, Environment and Infrastructure
- Economic Development
- Community Well-Being and Agriculture
Contact Community Planner Nikita Kheterpal at to learn more.
What is an Official Community Plan?
An Official Community Plan (OCP) provides guidance and policies on a broad range of topics such as housing, parks, hazard lands, land use, and infrastructure. An OCP also designates land for specific purposes, like commercial office, retail, residential, park, and industrial. Collectively, the land use map and the policies are used by the Regional Board, Regional District staff, and other agencies and the community to guide future land use and investment in the community.
An OCP does NOT introduce zoning regulations, building inspections, or bylaw enforcement.
OCPs are developed through public consultation and professional planning practices. Once drafted, an OCP must be adopted by the Regional District Board as an official bylaw.
For more information on what is an OCP how this process started, check out this video.
Electoral Area "G" is a large geographic area that includes areas in and around Hedley and Olalla, and the rural area surrounding the Village of Keremeos.

In 2019, the Electoral Area "G" Director expressed an interest in the communities’ opinion on future land use and development over the next 20 to 25 years.
In October 2019, the Regional District reached out to the community to get feedback on developing an OCP for Electoral Area "G" in a campaign called, Let's Talk Land Use.
The results of that campaign showed residents were in favour of having a say in future land use in their communities through exploring the concept of developing an OCP. In response, the Regional District initiated an Official Community Plan process to obtain more input and understand the interests of the community.
For more information on Let's Talk Land Use please see the results summary or survey results, or click on the "Documents" tab in the column on the right.
Citizens' Committee
The Citizen’s Committee is composed of Electoral Area "G" residents from a broad range of geographic areas within Electoral Area "G". The Citizen's Committee is providing direction, representing community interests, and actively participating in the creation of the OCP for Electoral Area "G". The Citizen's Committee is providing essential feedback throughout the process.
Meeting minutes of the Citizen's Committee will be posted in the Citizen's Committee folder here.
Learn more about the Citizens' Committee's first meeting here.
OCP Project Timeline
The first Official Community Plan project for Electoral Area "G" was initiated in November 2020. The project will be completed over three phases and includes a variety of opportunities for community input. Please see Get Involved below.
The final OCP bylaw is anticipated to be complete by late 2022.
Community participation and feedback is an important part of the OCP process. The Regional District would like your feedback to help ensure the first OCP for Electoral Area "G" a document is supported by, and a reflection of the community.
Here are some ways you and your neighbours can participate:
- Ask a Question Online - OPEN NOW (see below)
- Places - Share Your Thoughts - Online Mapping - OPEN NOW (see below)
- Community Survey #1 - Online and Paper - CLOSED April 30, 2021
PHASE 2: Spring and Summer 2021
- Community Update - COMPLETED June 2021
- Community Open House #1 - COMPLETED June 2021
- Community Resident Update - COMPLETED FALL 2021
PHASE 3: Winter 2021 to Summer 2022 - WE ARE HERE
- Community Conversations - Hosted by the Citizens Committee - COMPLETED FALL 2021
- Community Survey #2 - COMPLETED WINTER 2021
- Focus Group sessions - COMPLETED SPRING 2022
- Community Open House - Draft OCP - ONGOING
Get Involved
The Regional District wants to hear from you. Participate using the tools below. Check back often for updates and new activities. Sign up to get project alerts and updates by using the Stay Informed box on the right side.