
Call for Incorporation Study Committee Members

24 September 2023

On March 23, 2023, the Minister of Municipal Affairs confirmed support for the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen (RDOS) to undertake an incorporation study, including an estimate of financial impacts, a full community discussion, and an independent road assessment of provincial roads. The Study will provide electors within the study area with the information and understanding required to make an informed decision on incorporation. The RDOS Board of Directors adopted a Terms of Reference for the study at their April 6, 2023 meeting, and directed staff to commence the process.

The first step in the process is the recruitment of a committee to work with staff and a local government consultant to guide the study. The committee is an objective fact-finding body. Individual members of the committee should ensure any expression of their personal opinions do not detract from the ability of the study committee to function as a neutral and credible conduit for information to the community. The Okanagan Falls Incorporation Study Committee is an advisory ad hoc committee of the RDOS. The committee, working with staff and qualified consultant(s), will ensure that the study and engagement with the community is neutral and balanced. At the end of the study process, the committee will provide recommendations to the RDOS Board of Directors based on study findings, which may inform a potential request to proceed with an incorporation vote.

Applications are due Friday, June 30, 2023.