
Okanagan Falls Incorporation Study: Discussion Panel Recording - October 8, 2024

10 October 2024

The Incorporation Study Committee and technical consultants hosted a Discussion Panel event on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, where participants heard from members of three other communities that have recently considered incorporation or become incorporated (Clearwater, West Kelowna, and Sorrento-Blind Bay). You can watch the video recording here:

At the event, lead Study consultant, Allan Neilson led a discussion on the potential benefits and challenges of Okanagan Falls becoming a municipality, highlighting the need for control over services, strategic planning, and managing community expectations.

The panellists, Mayor Merlin Blackwell, John Smith, and Jason Johnson, shared their experiences with local and regional government, emphasizing the importance of advocacy, partnerships, and the potential for increased local decision-making authority.

The meeting also touched on the financial and operational challenges faced by the Regional District, the process of sourcing and electing local officials, and the importance of maintaining a positive relationship with the regional district during the incorporation process.