
Update from Committee Chair: Important Findings from Incorporation Study

30 October 2024

Over the last few months, the Okanagan Falls Incorporation Study Committee and consultants have been working diligently to share Study findings with area residents. We have hosted two open houses, a booth at Music in the Park, and one Discussion Panel, and talked to many residents outside Belich’s Market as well as in small group settings. We also sent a mailout to all households in the Study Area in July and a second one in October.

Through the efforts described above, we hope that we have made it easy for you to find information about the Study and what incorporation would mean for Okanagan Falls.

I would like to summarize a few key findings of the Incorporation Study:

1. If Okanagan Falls were to incorporate, it would be governed by a local Council consisting of a mayor and 4 councillors.

2. Currently, the provincial government has authority over Okanagan Falls’ policing, roads, and subdivision approval. If Okanagan Falls were to incorporate, it would have authority over local roads (not Highway 97) and subdivision approval. Policing would remain under the authority of the Province.

3. Incorporation would result in greater local decision-making for Okanagan Falls, but also an increase in local property taxes. For a residential property valued at $500,000, incorporation would increase taxes by approximately $289.

By the end of this year, the Incorporation Study Committee will provide a report to the RDOS Board advising whether it recommends a community vote (referendum) on incorporation.

The RDOS Board will decide whether to request a referendum from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. If a referendum is requested by RDOS and approved by the Ministry, spring 2025 is the earliest that it would be held.

If a referendum is held, it would ask one single question: Are you in favour of incorporating as the municipality of Okanagan Falls?

Only residents within the Study Area would be eligible to vote. A referendum would be decided by the majority of votes cast. If more than 50 percent of votes supported incorporation, then Okanagan Falls would incorporate. If more than 50 percent of votes were against incorporation, then Okanagan Falls would remain part of RDOS Electoral Area “D.”

If you have a question about the Incorporation Study, we want to hear from you.
Questions can be posted in the "Question and Answer" section below and a member of the project team will respond.