Project Updates
The Vintage Views Wastewater and Lakeshore Waterworks system service areas are not identical and, therefore, require two separate voting processes. If your property belongs to both services (CHECK HERE) and you are an eligible elector, you are entitled to a vote in each referendum.
If you are an eligible elector for both voting opportunities and would like to vote by mail on each matter, the following documentation is required to receive a ballot:
Resident Electors
- Application to Vote By Mail – Lakeshore Waterworks System
- Application to Vote By Mail – Vintage Views Wastewater System
- Two pieces of identification which combine to prove who you are and where you live
Non-Resident Electors
- Application to Vote By Mail – Lakeshore Waterworks System
- Non-Resident Elector Registration Form – Lakeshore Waterworks System
- Non-Resident Elector Consent Form (if multiple owners) – Lakeshore Waterworks System
- Application to Vote By Mail – Vintage Views Wastewater System
- Non-Resident Elector Registration Form – Vintage Views Wastewater System
- Non-Resident Elector Consent Form (if multiple owners) – Vintage Views Wastewater System
- Two pieces of identification which combine to prove who you are and where you live
If you have any questions about these voting opportunities, please contact us by email ( or phone (250-492-0237).
The service area map has been uploaded and is available under the Document Library tab on the right and is linked below:
- Who qualifies as a Resident Elector?
- Who qualifies as a Non-Resident Property Elector (NRPE)?
- Can renters vote?
- My property is owned by a corporation. Can corporations vote?
- How do I register to vote?
- When and where can I vote?
- I will be away on voting day, April 12. What are my options?
- What identification is acceptable?
- Why are there two separate voting processes for these utilities?
- How many votes are required for an assent vote to pass?
- What if the assent vote fails?
- How much is this service going to cost me?
- I’m not connected to the utility. Can I vote?
- I still have questions about the assent process. Who can I talk to?
- If two people live on one property, do both get a vote in the referendum?