Assent Voting (Referendum)

Information meeting poster.

RDOS staff will provide information about the assent voting (referendum) process.

Project Updates

Schedule of Steps in Acquisition Process

Board approval to proceed with the Utility Acquisition Process.

Status: Complete

Collection of background information and retaining of consultant.

Status: Complete

Preparation of communications plan and setup of project page on RDOS Regional Connections.

Status: Complete

  1. Completion of engineering and financial assessment for systems by consultant. Completion was delayed due to system complexity and additional information.
  2. Completion of financial, asset and liability assessment and staff capacity review. Completion was delayed due to system complexity and additional information.

Status: Complete

Presentation to the Regional District Board and release of information to the public.

Status: Complete

RDOS Service Establishment Bylaws readings

Public assent process initiated.

Based on the assent process results from property owners, the acquisition process will either continue or stop.

If property owners accept to proceed with the RDOS acquisition, transition plans will be prepared.

  • Summer 2025: Commence official transfer of assets to the Regional District.


If the assent process declines acceptance to proceed with the acquisition of the two systems:

  • Spring 2025: The acquisition process is stopped, and a letter of decline will be sent to the owner.

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